PlantPromoterDB promoter information of AT2G26330

Summary of Gene (AT2G26330)

Organism Arabidopsis thaliana  
Chromosome 2  
Locus AT2G26330  TAIR      NCBI 
Gene model AT2G26330  
Description Homologous to receptor protein kinases. Involved in specification of organs originating from the shoot apical meristem. Contains a cytoplasmic protein kinase catalytic domain, a transmembrane region, and an extracellular leucine-rich repeat. ER has been identified as a quantitative trait locus for transpiration efficiency by influencing epidermal and mesophyll development, stomatal density and porosity of leaves. It has been implicated in resistance to the bacterium Ralstonia solanacearum and to the necrotrophic fungus Plectosphaerella cucumerina. Together with ERL1 and ERL2, ER governs the initial decision of protodermal cells to either divide proliferatively to produce pavement cells or divide asymmetrically to generate stomatal complexes.  


Focused view (chromosome 2: 11218745-11217546)

Genome position     
from initiation codon
TSS from cDNA
TSS information
AT2G26330                        5'->3' (-)
Promoter sequence

TSS from cDNA
TSS information
                                 3'->5' (+)
Promoter sequence

TSS tag distribution(+)

TSS tag distribution(-)


Promoter Summary of AT2G26330

TSS information

TypeSequenceTPM scoreGenome positionPosition from initiation codon
TSS peakA8-11213960-65

TSS information from cDNA

TypeSequenceScoreGenome positionPosition from initiation codon
TSS cloneGclone-11213971-76
TSS cloneTclone-11213970-75
TSS cloneAclone-11213949-54
TSS cloneTclone-11213905-10

Core promoter information

TypeSequenceGenome positionPosition from initiation codon
initiatorNot AvailableNot AvailableNot Available
TATA BoxNoneNoneNone
Y PatchTTTCTTCTTC-1121396111213970-66-75
Y PatchTTCTCTTCTTCTTCTCT-1121397911213995-84-100

REG information

TypeSequenceAnnotationGenome positionPosition from initiation codon

Other Reliable Promoter Summary

TSS information

TypeSequenceTPM scoreGenome positionGene model
Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available 

TSS information from cDNA

TypeSequenceScoreGenome positionGene model
Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available 

Core promoter information

TypeSequenceGenome positionGene model
initiatorNot AvailableNot AvailableNot Available
TATA BoxNoneNoneNone
Y PatchNoneNoneNone

REG information

TypeSequenceAnnotationGenome positionGene model

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