// ID DRECRTCOREAT XX AC S000418 XX DT 30-January-2006 (last modified) kehi XX DE Core motif of DRE/CRT (dehydration-responsive element/C-repeat) DE cis-acting element found in many genes in Arabidopsis and in DE rice; R=G/A; Os DREB1A bound to GCCGAC more preferentially than DE to ACCGAC whereas At DREB1A bound to both GCCGAC and ACCGAC DE efficiently; See S000402 (ACCGAC); Maize ZmDREB1A bound to DRE DE (Qin et al. 2004); HaDREB2 in Helianthus annuus DE (sunflower)(Diaz-Martin et al. 2005); HaDREB2 physically interact DE with HaHSFA9 in vitro (Diaz-Martin et al. 2005); XX KW DRE/CRT; drought; high-light; cold; DREB; DREB1; DREB2; CBF; XX OS Oryza sativa (rice); Zea mays (maize); Helianthus annuus OS (sunflower); XX RA Dubouzet JG, Sakuma Y, Ito Y, Kasuga M, Dubouzet EG, Miura S, RA Seki M, Shinozaki K, Yamaguchi-Shinozaki K. RT OsDREB genes in rice, Oryza sativa L., encode transcription RT activators that function in drought-, high-salt- and RT cold-responsive gene expression. RL Plant J. 33: 751-763 (2003) RD [PubMed] XX RA Qin F, Sakuma Y, Li J, Liu Q, Li YQ, Shinozaki K, RA Yamaguchi-Shinozaki K. RT Cloning and functional analysis of a novel DREB1/CBF RT transcription factor involved in cold-responsive gene expression RT in Zea mays L. RL Plant Cell Physiol. 45: 1042-1052 (2004). RD [PubMed] XX RA Diaz-Martin J, Almoguera C, Prieto-Dapena P, Espinosa JM, Jordano RA J RT Functional Interaction between Two Transcription Factors Involved RT in the Developmental Regulation of a Small Heat Stress Protein RT Gene Promoter RL Plant Physiology, 139: 1483-1494 (2005) RD [PubMed] XX RA Suzuki M, Ketterling MG, McCarty DR. RT Quantitative statistical analysis of cis-regulatory sequences in RT ABA/VP1- and CBF/DREB1-regulated genes of Arabidopsis. RL Plant Physiol.139: 437-447 (2005) RC in silico RD [PubMed] XX RA Skinner JS, von Zitzewitz J, Szucs P, Marquez-Cedillo L, RA Filichkin T, Amundsen K, Stockinger EJ, Thomashow MF, Chen TH, RA Hayes PM. RT Structural, functional, and phylogenetic characterization of a RT large CBF gene family in barley. RL Plant Mol Biol. 59: 533-551 (2005) RD [PubMed] XX SQ RCCGAC //